Thursday, December 31, 2009

A 2010 .... to Cherish

I am a bit all over the shop at the moment. Having read a few posts about the year ahead and peoples thoughts. I have read Di's, Sharon's and Amy's. I thought a lot about a word for 2009, I really liked Ali's one 'Nurture' but I couldn't decide and I let it go for the year. Perhaps that was a sign that it would be a year I would not be able to describe or comprehend.
It started with some blogging, and I really enjoyed that, capturing special things in our life and recording the photos and stories. Looking back it has been a wonderful way to record part of our lives.
The year has been a good one for our family, mostly smooth sailing and enjoying each other. We have had some small trials, nothing major. I would like to be a better Mamma not so tired and cranky, more time for me, and more sticking to excercise and those usual things. (My belated birthday/Christmas present may assist this). I will share in another post, it hasn't arrived yet. Some more time for cleaning, looking after and improving our house. All things I would love to improve on. And I intend to do so. But as I mentioned the first half of the year was moving along well, it came to a screaming hault for a while in May and then shifted into a different direction. Whilst my family were fine, it changed my perspective on a lot of things. This was when Hilarie was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. From this point we moved to form Hills' Angels and worked as hard as we could to do all we can to help. This consumed the second half of the year and my family and a lot of the things I love suffered through this time.
To my families credit they all supported me and helped me to overcome all my shortfalls by working together in this time. As the year draws to a close I am becoming more aware of the changes that have taken place and the year we have ahead.
2010 can be all I hope for with my family, a year of health, eating better, cooking our own bread, working with the kids in the kitchen, growing more of our own veges. A year of exercise and the outdoors, playing more sports being more active and spending more time as a family doing so. A year of togetherness, spending time together, enjoying each other and learning and experiencing new things together.
At this point I will introduce my word for 2010, it is Cherish.


–verb (used with object)
1. to hold or treat as dear; feel love for: to cherish one's native land.
2. to care for tenderly; nurture: to cherish a child.
3. to cling fondly or inveterately to: to cherish a memory.

I hope to focus more on Cherishing what I already have, Cherish the things I am able to do and Cherish above all the time that I have. (Side note: I now feel the need to find this word in white wood and hang it somewhere in my house, please let me know if you come across one).
This word comes about as I keep thinking what 2010 will bring for me, my family, my amazing group of friends and most importantly for Hil. It seems like up until now I have been able to focus on all we were doing to make it better, but now it is all done, we have to step back, support and go back to being the friends she knows and loves, surrounding her and supporting her. I am having a little more trouble facing 2010 and what it may hold.
So I have decided to be thankful for all I have and to try a little harder to Cherish what is already here, and every little moment that we have together. Heres to a 2010 full of moments to Cherish.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Teaching my Children

There is always empahsis on the real meaning of Christmas at our house. We try to explain about (baby) Jesus, thats what he is called in our house, and His birthday and all he has done for us. We also talk about the fact that we give presents to all our friends and family.
At this point I must share that my children have given gifts with much joy this year. We took turns giving and opening gifts to the kids friends, and when it was turn to give our gifts, obviously they just had to sit and watch while the others opened, and to see them looking so proud giving the gifts, and taking delight in what their friends recieved was so heart warming, a very proud Mummy moment. Noah has been like this all season.
So each year we take the kids to the local shopping centre and let them pick a present to donate. We explain that some Mummy's and Daddy's can't afford lots of presents, let alone food, and that we will buy one for them so they can have a suprise on Christmas morning. They understand, and Noah takes great pride in knowing that another little boy like him will be geting a present. He undertands that we don't know who they are and that this is something we can do to help.

I let the kids pick a present for someone the same age and sex as they are. This year we chose the K-mart wishing tree, and we wrote on our lables who they were for, a little boy aged 5 and a little girl aged 3. I rounded up as the presents they picked were for 5 and up and 3 and up.
We explained that they needed to pick a present that they liked, and thought another little boy ond girl would like. We headed down the toy ailse.
Katelin chose first, a Belle tea set in the shape of a tea pot.

Then Noah went for the Legos no suprise there!

Off to pay next.
Then we stuck our labels on and went to put them under the tree.

Katelin said present for little girl, as she put hers under the tree.

Noah helped her doing so.

I am so very proud that they understand and that they do this so well, with no tantrums wanting the item for themselves. I hope that they will continue to give where and when they can. And that they always remember about those not as fortunate as themselves.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Preparing for Christmas

The day before Christmas, all was quiet in the house
because the kids were both gone and so was the spouse.
the vacumming done, the food was prepared
the presents were wrapped, and good wishes were shared.

The house was all tidy, everything in its place
Awaiting the family's pressence to grace
Stockings are finished and under the tree
Waiting for little children laughing with glee.

Christmas Eve holds a tour of lights at the Hunter Valley.
Then home to bed with the kids we will rally,
While they dream of the presents and the morning ahead
we remind them of the true meaning instead.

Sorry the end is a little weak. I have spent the day tidying the house and preparing in advance as much food as possible. As always I had grand plans for the day, and time has gotten away from me and now it is time to collect the children.

I can't post any photos yet as I am borrowing Mum and Dad's camera, and I don't have anything to read their card with, said as i sit down to add some photos and edit! Will try later.

We are hoping to place some gifts under one of the donation trees tonight, something we do each year with the kids and they enjoy. Tomorrow Andrew is home, and it is supposed to be hot, so I am thinking a swim in the pool or at the beach. Then in the evening we plan to head to the Hunter Valley Gardens (which are beautiful on their own) but look spectacular when lit up for Christmas. The kids enjoy it and I can't wait to head there too. There is something magical about Christmas Eve.

Oh somewhere in there we have to make the cookies for Santa and leave them and the beer, milk and cookies out, and a carrot for Rudolph. If I don't pop back in before them Merry Christmas to you all and may 2010 hold everything you hope for. Thank you all for sharing the year with me.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas all wrapped up

Sorry no DD here today. I haven't been motivated. So instead I wapped the last of the presents. Not quite I am waiting for one to come by courier (my husband tonight) his company picked them up earlier this week and he has just confirmed he has them. Yes they did get slightly lost in the depot, it seems all parcels have bad luck this time of year. But now it is found, good thing as I need one  of the presents for Monday!
Any way, enough of that. I wanted to share my tree and wrapping since Di shared hers (well kind of, it was more about the unwrapped one under the tree!) and Sharon shared hers.
Please excuse the photos, not best camera to work with and do you believe it is rainy and cold today - not good light, and not a lot like Christmas!

Here is my tree, each year I tend to have different colours, last year was pink and blue, I am still enjoying those colours. But I couldn't find a paper I was really happy with so I bought purple paper, with pink and blue baubles on it, so I added the purple decorations to the tree too to tie in. I had the decorations in my stash already. I like the tree as it is pretty full, that seems to be what makes it look so nice.

Here are my presents. A close up, sorry  I didn't get any with the purple ribbon it is my favourite. I do put ribbon around the kids pressies but in a bow so they can get it off themselves. I also don't let anyone throw their ribbon out I keep it and recycle.

Here is the stocings I talked of the other day, we bought them and made a few changes, the pink one came from Lincraft and Mum sewed on the Christmas tree, the blue one from a cheap shop, Mum added some lining, unpicked the word Angel (it was the only blue we could find) and sewed on the circle, she has painted it too but you can't see that. They are just awaiting some MDF letters, an N and a K, to be painted white and attached with ribbon. I love them.

Since Sharon is always so good at sharing ideas I thought I would share these. They are called Kimmidoll's and I love them! I think there may be some in a stocking or two. The small ones are about $10 and the big ones $20. They make a great present and you can collect them, there are lots of different colours. Katelin has one already and loves it, it is handbag size. I forgot to say ours usually come from Kenny's Cardiology or our local newsagent. Thats all for today, got to go get ready for dinner and pack a bag, we are heading off to Sydney tomorrow for the Wiggles Christmas Concert and the David Jones windows, Myer Christmas train, and QVB and Martin Place trees, I love those things, some treasured memories of my own Childhood Christmases!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

DD update

I am having trouble with my DD too many ideas and not enough time. I would love to be more caught up but the bits I have been doing have been taking so much time.

Here is day 14, still missing the stocking shot, they haven't been delivered yet.

And the back.

The days in between we went to a performance of Road to Bethlehem, it was brilliant, and pre school, Noah has bought home a suprise present for Andrew and I under the tree, and we have to wait until Christmas day to open it.
Today I plan to help Noah with his letter to Santa, and I loved Ali's page here. I plan to add an envelope to the back I think.

Does anyone know how to spell check with updated blogger?
Sharon, off to hair dresser now, will email pics of tea set tonight.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My DD as it is in my album today

Ok so old camera working, can only take 6 shots at a time cause the big memory stick doesn't work!
So here are my pages in my album at the moment.

Day one, I know you have seen this, but it's nice to see it in the album together, this is Domestic Blitz suprise day, the kids had a great time.

 Day two, a group shot of Hill's Angels and our Hil at out papmer day put on by Blitz, and journalling.

Back of day two, and day three. Day two is just a collage of shots from the day. Day three is letters to my to children, about them at the moment and Christmas traditions. I printed out lines on cardstock to suit what I wanted colour and size wise.

 Back of day three, is just a picture of Kate playing at the beach before we went to the movies. May still use movie ticket in there like Ali's idea here. As you can see day four not done - skip ahead to day 10.

Day 10, our trip to Santa at story time, I am yet to do the back of this page, think it will be Katelin opeing her advent for the day. I need to write a note that Kate doesn't like the tab here, she lifts it up because you can't se her pretty kirt (skirt), which I had to negotiate that she wore again today, you will see it was on the night before too, and she wouldn't take it off for bed unless I promised she could wear it the next day too, she then said thank you Mumma, like it was the best promise ever.

Day 11, you have seen too, but here it is in the album. Kate and I making cookies. Still need a back here too. Will write about Noah getting his train I think. More notes required, I am getting confused. Will check my running journal file.

Day 12 was when I had no camera so I used another photo (way too many taken on day 11) and wrote about the day, still no back of 12 either, think I will make a pocket and stick in some bits from the day. I like simple!

Day 13 was a day late but I had to shift, too many for one day, and we go to see the lights most nights, we did on this night too, it is about the house up the street that had poping up Santa, Noah has talked about this for the past 3 years, since he was 18 months (not many words then but he remembers) and how he got stuck, well finally the man got sick of it and tried to get another one, he couldn't so he bought spinning around Santa, Noah was very sad he doesn't like change. He is warming to the idea now though. Below is the back, I hand journalled, using a card from a Heidi Swapp album, love it when it is quick and easy.

Day 14 is not yet done but I know what I want to do. It is supposed to be an 8 x8 sleeve with a baseball card sleeve in it cut up, so I would like to make it look somewhat like this of Ali's. And I am going to write about my Mum making things for me when I want something and just can't find the right thing, she always fixes it and knows just what I mean. We were on the hunt for Christmas stockings for my kids to go under my tree which had a pink and blue theme at the moment. They aren't done yet so photos to come.  Gotta love Mum's especially crafty ones! And also for the back I will write about my hand made things about Christmas. I have a photo wreath and an advent calendar. I made both. Also have to include the Santa sacks she made for them a few years ago.

Thats it from me - should stop blogging and get making more pages!

PS I am in my room on the laptop and can hear in Katelin's monitor that she has woken and is playing with her Fisher Price nativity scene, I love these little sneak peeks! And Christmas time.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 12

Here is my page for day 12.

So as I mentioned, no photo from yesterday, I have dug out the old camera now, so I will have to work with it for a while. I used a photo from the day before, my kids playing in the long grass before Daddy mowed it.
It was still them being outside and having fun. At the moment it is 6 x 9 inch, may be trimmed a little. I need to print it out and put it in my canvas pocket for day 12. Sorry no photo yet too hard, will try a scan later.
By the way Di not all my pages are 8 x 8 the canvas ones are a little bigger.
Hope you girls are enjoying! I feel I am making progress now - no ideas for today yet. Quiet weekend at home was needed by all of us! I think maybe a photo of the tree we decorated (or finished) with the new train under it! See how the afternoon goes. Did you see the reindeer cookie mix over at Leanne's blog? I love it!
More cookies were baked and eaten today too!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 11, story one done

So here is my day 11. I had to scan it, the camera and I are not seeing eye to eye, or perhaps it has no eye - its lens will not open. :(

 I have a couple of other stories for that day, one is about a house that has a Santa decoration Noah has talked about since he was 18 months old, and was devistated when he couldn't fix it and got a new one today. This also requires an actual page!
The other is that our neighbour gave him a train for under our tree that he just adores, he is a little unsure and still wants to give it back, he doesn't like change.

So one of these stories may become day 12, as there are too many for one day, and now I don't have a photo for today at all, other camera would not co operate either. Or I may do a picture free day. We had no rules tonight, ate outside, kids went to bed late, we enjoyed playing and had custard and fruit for dinner. I was reminded again just to enjoy after reading some more of Nienie's blog - I want to be a Mum like her!

Here is my before of the back of page 3, I can't show you more - no camera, you get the gist though. On to day four and 12 tomorrow!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The beginnings of day 11

I am hoping all over the place with my DD. I found it helpful to have made my blog post earlier, about day one so will try to do that more. Here is part of today, day 11 - never mind day 4 - 9 will get to them. Day 10 is half done too.

I plan to print out like this and add a piece of pp in the black square. Journalling will be hand written around the sides I think. This was Katelin and I making some Christmas cookies, you will see these again around Christmas Eve, for Santa of course. Kate had a great time stiring, lots of cute sounds and I mixing and of course a taste test. Then some rolling, roll roll roll, we only cut out and cooked a few, it was too hot, we had to refridegerate and will make more later. There was lots of fun had, and all lunch eaten up as there was the promise of cookies after! Di I replied to your last comment in my last post! Hope you are all enjoying Decemeber.

First installment of December Daily

Here are my pages I have been working on, need to get a wriggle on now though!

The above is my first page and it was taken straight from my blog post, gotta love words already captured!
Below is the back of my day one, it is a shot of all the Hills' Angels and Hil and I love it dearly.

These next two images are my day 2 - they will go back to back in a 4 x 6 sleeve.


And day 3 are letters to my children, it was fun to do. Still working on a plan for the back of day 3.
Just to share I am workinf from Ali Edwards' December Daily and very much sticking to what she has done, at this point I don't have much time for invention, however, my pages are turning out differently to suit my days, and it is really fun!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December first

Katelin, Noah and Andrew at Hil's Blitz Breakfast
Since we have so much going on at the moment, I think some quick posts here my spur on my December Daily. Also I think this December is going to deviate a little from the traditional Christmas events each day.
This day started early for us, we needed to be at Davistown by 7am, so I had to wake Noah and Katelin and get them dressed. Noah still has time to open his present from the advent calender, which was a snail tape measure, or a snail measure tape as he calls it. He said thank you very much Mummy and Daddy for getting me my snail measure tape I love it.
Katelin was very understanding and keen to have her own turn, late in the day she asked if it was her turn, and I explained it was not until the next day, after the sun went to sleep.
We headed to a very special breakfast for Hills' Angels with our families, and it was announced that Hil and Pete and Hadley would be domestic blitzed. My kids were so excited, Katelin was lapping up the attention, clapping and waving and doing little dances all about in her tutu. I learned later that she was filmed by blitz, a close up even, of her doing a little dance in the window, and that she and Rosie went on their very own tour of the Blitz bus.
Not a traditional start to the month, but certainly one we will never forget. Happy December my family, and Happy New House Hilie and Pete!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

We are getting Hils' house DOMESTIC BLITZED!!!!!!!!!!

I have been really busy, and so very slack on the blogging front - if nothing else I should be posting to keep myself up to date for scrapping. I am planning on a December Daily, and in the rush of today I had forgotten until now, that today is in fact day one of December. I guess our entry today will be a little less focused on Christmas, and more focused on Domestic Blitz!
Let me explain, for those who read often you will know I have a friend, her name is Hilarie, she has a brain tumor and we have been fundraising for her. A few months ago, back in the beginning we sent in a request to the Channel 9 TV show, Domestic Blitz. For those who are unsure, they take the family away for a few days, and renovate their house. They picked us, and our dear beautiful Hilarie and her family, Peter and Hadley - they are going to transform their house.
So this morning in secret we bought them to Stillwaters again, under the guise of a thank you breakfast and in the middle of it all burst in Scott Cam and Shelley Craft. It was a little surreal to think that it was actually happening and that it will be on TV, but the look on Hilaire's face, and the gratitude that she has for all we have done, has bought it home again.
This most beautiful, kindhearted generous lady, who has touched so many lives in simple little ways, but has such a huge impact, deserves every little bit of this, I heard numerous times how much Hilarie is loved and how special she is. Hopefully we are able to give just a little back and make this time just a little easier for her and her family, to spend time together and create some wonderful memories.
I also need to say that I have the most amazing bunch of friends, who form Hills' Angels and that I am so grateful to have them in my life, helping me to do what we can to change Hil's life.
It is going to be a whirlwind week and we can't wait to partake and enjoy, but most of all we can't wait to see what they do to her house, and to spoil her. Thank you so much for all the kind thoughts and positive energy that has resulted in these amazing things happening to such a special person. Thank you so much Channel 9 and Domestic Blitz.
I will post a picture a little later, I am still collecting them from camera's of a few of the Angels.
Edited to add: I will advise when it goes to air, at this point they don't know, it will be early next year February or March 2010 (now that is scary to say!).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Yesterday Today Pages

So I have been making a little time to play catch up with my Yesterday Today Classes, it is week 7 and I had only done up to week 3. So to start here is my title page (wk 2) I completed a few weeks ago. I still haven't found the right circle accent - I really need a circle punch!

This next one is a double page spread, and it was really fun to make, just jotting down little stories. I think I may do another page for some more short stories later on in the course, depending what stories I use on other pages.

This last page I worked on yesterday and printed and stuck together today. I must say I am loving all the brushes and layered templates and things that come with the course. Ali Edwards really has put in a lot of effort. And I love that they are adaptable for other future LO's!
I am happy with how this page turned out, have to tweak my printing photos at home though the BW not so crisp!

Sorry about the quality of the photos, late afternoon light, and kids hindering me! I have done my week 5 page, and I plan on doing another in this format before I move on to watching week 6's video. No pic's yet as no daylight. I will share more when I have time.
It is our big dinner/entertainment night on THIS FRIDAY so I have a busy week. Also for those wondering I will be back to share my logo soon, I have had first proof and it has gone back for a few small mods. Enjoy your week, they just said it is supposed to reach 39 tomorrow!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Words + photos + glue (tape) = happy

I have shared a little of all the craziness at my place recently. Thank you all for such kind words, and thanks for the tip Nicole, my best friend, Tracey just bought me back some lovely chamomile tea from a shopping trip to Melbourne. I just thought I would share my way of unwinding. I did this last weekend, and I meant to post earlier but time has not been on my side.

I had to make some time, another late night, to get some scrapping done. I just felt I needed to do it, there were some stories weighing on my mind that needed recording. So I sat and printed out journalling for most of these pages in one afternoon, then when the kids (and my husband) went to bed I sat cutting and gluing (well taping) together my pages.

I felt so much happier with myself once I had done it. I have been participating in Ali's class yesterday and today. It is so inspiring about recording the stories I just has so many floating around in my head they needed to get out.

I have found I am happy when these stories out and I have created something. I really do love my words and photos, and my inspiration, at this point usually for straight out copies, from my scrappy online friends. Thanks girls and thank you scrapbooking.

I also have to confess the collages were just waiting to be finished, so they were quick and I enjoyed them. The others just fit the photos I had to work with and the notes I had made. When I looked at the photos I had ideas about what I wanted to do with them so thankfully I had jotted notes and I went back to them, I wouldn't have remembered at the moment.

More stories of Katelin and bed time, which I must say has improved dramatically in the last few weeks. Night routine is good, we are down to one bottle and no nappy and mostly dry nights so today Katelin got rewarded with a Thumbelina doll. Days are a little harder but still working well.

Some about Noah's first sleepover and our time with Katelin on her own - more stories to write there.

Some about a lovely pre spring morning in the garden as a family.

One about our bush walk - more needed there too. And this last page is about Katelin and her love for the Island Princess Barbie movie, I especially wanted to capture this while it was still fresh, as this is not her favourite now, she is changing so quickly.

I'm off to work on some new photos now - Katelin went to pre school for the first time on Wednesday, and I really want to sort the photos, do a blog post and scrap while it is still fresh.
Can't believe my baby is gone and I have this big girl now. Sigh.