Friday, January 9, 2009

Great start to the year and Great friends.

So it is early Friday morning and I couldn't wait to share. By the way I am in Australia so it really is Friday here. I haven't figured out how to make it say my correct time yet. I have been wanting to do something about exercising for ages but really lack the motivation. This year my plan is to look after myself better so I can look after my life my relationships and my kids better.
So last night I exercised. I have a great group of friends, one of which is a gym instructor. She has decided to make a group to participate in her exercise routine. It is so great that she wants to include us and it is so much easier to exercise with a group of Friends!
So this morning I feel very tired and sore but so much more energetic and like I achieved something. So here's to a great start to the year, lets hope I keep it up. And more importantly here's to great friends who are always there and are great company and motivators!
Get out and Live your Life.


  1. Good on you ... I keep putting it off but really can't anymore!! I WILL start tomorrow!

  2. Yay for you Shannon. How is the excercise going. I'm hoping to get into a bit more of an exercise routine when my kids go back to school. My baby is off to Grade Prep this year :( so I'm anticipating I'll have some extra time to fill in :). Love your positive outlook. Will be dropping in for some inspiration regularly. Love Anita. xxx
